We’ve significantly upgraded our waterbody data processing and improved user profiles to provide more accurate information and a personalized experience for anglers.
New Features
- Introduced real-time water depth and temperature tracking for select waterbodies
- Added new sections to user profiles for showcasing fishing achievements
Mobile App Updates
- Implemented new waterbody detail view with enhanced data visualization
- Improved user profile editing capabilities on mobile
Web Experience Enhancements
- Redesigned waterbody pages with more comprehensive data
- Updated user profile displays with new achievement widgets
API & Backend Improvements
- Optimized waterbody data collection and processing pipelines
- Enhanced user data management systems
User Experience Refinements
- Redesigned waterbody search functionality
- Improved navigation within user profiles
Performance Optimizations
- Enhanced loading times for waterbody pages
- Optimized user profile data caching
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issues with inaccurate GPS coordinates for some waterbodies
- Fixed inconsistencies in user stat calculations